© Xin LongI am Fabian Koehler, a quantum physicist with a passion for software development and artificial intelligence.
Presently, my endeavours orbit around the development of satellite-based quantum key distribution systems
aiming at securing communication links on a global scale against both classical and quantum threats.
My academic background is anchored in quantum physics with a focus on numerical methods, software development
and high performance computing. This scientific voyage culminated in a PhD in theoretical physics where I
honed my expertise in the development and application of algorithms to investigate the rich phenomenology of
quantum many-body systems.
Beyond the realm of physics, I harbor an insatiable curiosity for the field of machine learning and artifical
intelligence. The crafting of novel deep learning systems and the exploration of their capabilities to solve
real-world problems is a source of endless fascination for me.
In moments of reprieve, I find solace in contributing to open-source projects, strumming melodies on my
guitar, and enjoying the outdoors.